I love going into the Pittsboro library!!!

Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 11:58:22 -0400
From: Heather Baker
Subject: Chatham County Library

I love going into the Pittsboro library!!! Totally apart from the fact that there are BOOKS (which I love) the staff there is amazing.

I have been particularly impressed by the children’s librarians, Ms. Beth and Ms. Christie. They are kind, helpful, very knowledgeable, and seem to know every child who comes in. Not only do they know their names, they know their sibling’s names, their interests and the books they enjoy reading!

We are all blessed to live in an area where we have such a fantastic place to hang out!

Thank-you to all of the Pittsboro library staff for your hard work, dedication and commitment to the people of our community,

Heather Baker