Centurylink at their finest…once again!

Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 23:25:32 -0400
From: “Bridget Shipes”
Subject: Centurylink at their finest…once again!

So after much discussion over the summer months about Centurylink and their ability to provide decent services, I actually thought the issue was resolved. Well, my Mama always told me to NEVER make assumptions! So since last week, I have had latency issues once again, internet dropping, to the point where I haven’t been able to work, once again! After 7 calls into  technical support, speaking with only supervisors and 2 technicians, one who flat out said that internet wasn’t in is realm, I am still having issues.

Back in the summer CL convinced me that I needed to have an additional line installed, ok fine, to be able to be productive, I bite the bullet for an additional $50 a month, tax deductible, peace of mind, yada yada. So since last week , I have had issues on both of my lines, I have had the tech support people send out field technicians who blame it on engineering (obviously), and vice versa. I have had so much contact with CL, I know all the techs and some of the admin people by first name, how pathetic is that!

So they have put in, yet another ticket, yet another escalation to Sharon, who is the new Field Supervisor, who I must say, loves sitting behind a desk with her feet on it, because I have yet to hear anything from her or see any changes. So they will come tomorrow and blame someone else for their issues. I am so sick of hearing that, “I should be thankful that I have DSL, when people down the road from only have Dial-Up”, and this is my problem how???

They are focused on making bigger areas bigger, and I totally understand the business concept here, but what about the current customers who have mediocre service?!?!

I guess to be able to enjoy more than third world services, it would require me to move away from my little slice of Heaven in the country, to the hustle and bustle and annoyance of the city. No matter how pathetic it may seem, even Pittsboro town limits are too much for my lifestyle.

And someone suggested I file a complaint with the FCC, and I really tried, but thanks to the Government shutdown, the website is inoperable, and that’s another soapbox that I am not getting on this evening!

What are we supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? Work is stressful enough without having to worry about my internet preventing me from working.

Bridget Shipes