See if you could survive a month in poverty

Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:03:20 -0400
From: “John Moore”
Subject: Poverty Awareness Day

See if you could survive a month in poverty

What would you do if you couldn’t put enough food on the table, take your sick child to the doctor or afford a safe place for your family to live?

To get an idea of what that would be like and to learn how Chatham County can help low-income people get ahead, plan to attend Poverty Awareness Day on Oct. 24 in Siler City.  The program, sponsored by Circles® Chatham, features two workshops:

·        The Bridges Out of Poverty session will provide an overview of poverty and highlight ways social service agencies, non-profits, employers and individuals can work together to help families acquire the skills they need to transition out of poverty and will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  The registration fee is $25 per individual or organization and includes one “Bridges Out of Poverty†book.

·       The COPE (Cost of Poverty Experience) simulation from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. will allow you to experience first-hand the struggles of living in a low-income family. There is no cost for the simulation but donations are gratefully accepted.

The workshops will be at First United Methodist Church, 1101 West Raleigh St., in Siler City.

The registration deadline is Oct. 14. Register at

If you have participated in a poverty simulation and would like to be a volunteer at the afternoon session, please send an email to or call 919-533-9440.