Remove posts I don’t agree with

Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:40:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Valerie Broadway
Subject: Chatlist Posting Irresponsible

I have to admit I don’t read the Chatlist every day. Sometimes I may not get to it for a week at a time. Recently, several people have asked if I had seen all the posts about the proposed dog tethering recommendation. I had only seen a couple, so I just looked at the Chatlist and the Bulletin Board posts for the last two weeks, all in one sitting.

Wow, my head is spinning at how some people can behave. The personal attacks and bullying behavior is just a sad way to respond to something you disagree with.

The most shocking thing to me amid all the “discussion” was the posting of the names and addresses of some of the Dogs Off Chains volunteers. To me, this was an unspoken threat to these people. We all know there are crazy people in the world. (This is not an insult to anyone, there really are mentally ill people in the general public.) And I think the person who posted the information wanted to insight something or someone, and at minimum cause concern to the person’s mentioned.

I think allowing the posting of these addresses was irresponsible and they should be removed immediately!

It took me years to finally decide to join the Chatlist. This incident just reminds me as to why.

I know most of the Dogs Off Chains volunteers. They are salt-of-the-earth, working-class people who get down in the trenches to do what they can to make the lives of many dogs just a bit better. They certainly do not deserve being treated this way.

To be fair, perhaps the person who posted the names and addresses would feel free to divulge their own information.

Valerie Broadway
Canine Coaching Services LLC