Hart’s Furniture in Siler City ‘Truck Load’ Sale Tactics – A New Low

Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 14:43:42 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: lingam32443
Subject: Hart’s Furniture Siler City- ‘Truck Load’ Sale Tactics- A New Low

I have always had respect and admired Hart’s Furniture in Siler City. Always there, always respectable advertising and good merchandise.  But the recent so called “Truck Load” Sale really turned me in the other direction.

First, they have  hundreds of signs out on the main highways.  Not just one in a location, but a dozen or so all in the same location. Are we so blind and stupid, we couldn’t read a couple? And they are everywhere, putting the PTA Thrift shop signs to shame-  I am willing to bet, that there are, or were at least 100 signs on hyway 64 Siler City and the bypass ending near Lowe’s.  I have not been beyond that, but I am sure it must be the same on the other side.

Where is the D.O.T. while all this crap is going on?

Now to add further insult to injury, Hart’s television commercial for this sale is disgusting. Below “infomercial” standards, it us loud, poor taste and unbecoming to Siler City.  After seeing the commercial, one gets the impression that the “sale” is a super-sensational rip-off.

L. Ingham