Posting negative reviews of local businesses

Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 06:53:40 -0400
From: “Lee – Computer Therapy, Inc”
Subject: Posting negative reviews of local businesses

Fellow Chatham Chatlisters

I try not to get involved in all of the back and forth posting on the chatlist but over the years have noticed a trend in which chatlist subscribers make negative postings about a local business (restaurant, mechanic, etc).

I fortunately have not been the focus of one of these postings but that is not to say that I have not had one or two customers in 16 years of providing computer service that might have made some type of less-than-congratulatory posting on the chatlist.

As a small business owner myself, and for all business owners, small or otherwise, I would just request that before you make a posting that goes out to the 3000+ members of this community/county forum, that you at LEAST make
an effort to address your concerns with the owners/management of the business with which you are posting.

It is simply the right thing to do.