Honey bee demonstration at Bysy Bee Farm

Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 18:23:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Billy Thornton
Subject: honey bee demonstration at Bysy Bee Farm

Now that school is out and you have a group of boys and girls or older people that you needs to get out of the house because of cabin fever why don’t you give the Busy Bee Farm a call at 919-542-5890 and schedule a time for the Chatham County Bee Man to show you the workings of the bee hive and explain the workings of the hive and the purpose of each type of bee and their function is.

This is a demonstration to see the inner workings of the  bee colony up close without getting stung.

The times will be scheduled on a Wednesday or Thursday while his pick your own blueberry and blackberry farm is closed for picking.

The farm is located on Dewitt Smith Rd out of Pittsboro.

Starting the week of 4th of July the hours are 8:00 am till dark Friday – Tuesday. Bring the kids and have a good time.