I understand continuing anonymous speech on the Chatham Chatlist

Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 22:21:31 -0400
From: Ben Maschal
Subject: Anonymous follow up

First, I understand Gene’s reasoning on continuing anonymous speech on the Chatlist. Protecting unpopular speech, such as that of whistle blowers, is indeed a valid concern. Further, it is his list, and I respect his right to administer it as he sees fit.

However, Cryptic, I must say, such noble protections do not apply to the sort of things we see from you. Certainly, your opinions are reasoned, and indeed backed up with facts (such as the recent smart meter post). They’re not even particularly “unpopular” opinions. But, they’re consistently set forth with snark, bile, and gratuitous nastiness. To me, this is the very definition of trolling, and I certainly understand why you wouldn’t want your customers knowing you were behind them.

I was simply fed up with reading it. That was the only reason behind my original post.

I suppose I just have to resist taking the bait. I should know by now that some people enjoy being a jerk on the internet.
