No offense intended

Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 09:48:23 -0400
From: Al Cooke
Subject: No offense intended

There are several instances in the movie Little Big Man where the Dustin Hoffman character says something about “redskins” to his adoptive grandfather, the Chief Dan George character.  Hoffman then follows up with, “no offense” to which George invariably replies, “none taken.” 

These exchanges impressed on me the notion that giving offense and taking offense are two versions of the same thing.  One can actually take offense that wasn’t offered.  (Is that stealing?)  And one can set out to be offensive without the offense being acknowledged.

That raises for me the philosophical question of whether it is bad to be offensive.  And if it is, is it just as bad to take offense.  We tend to call people out for being offensive.  Is it also wrong to take offense?  Is it wrong to assume someone is being intentionally offensive?  Is it just a matter of attitude, of doubt, fear, aggression?  Can we avoid taking offense?

These questions keep coming back to me due to certain discussions on the Chatlist.  Sometimes I see something and wonder if someone else will find it offensive.  Then I see someone take offense where I never would have expected it.  Why is that?

I’m not sure I have any answers or suggestions.  But something there is that doesn’t love a wall.
