It’s way too easy to grow bamboo

Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 09:21:18 -0400
From: Al Cooke
Subject: Bamboo

Wow, two inquiries about bamboo on the same day.

It’s way too easy to grow bamboo.

In 20 years dealing with garden problems in two counties, the question of how to get rid of bamboo came up 10 times for every one who wanted to grow it. You can’t keep it outside the fence. You can’t keep it off your neighbor’s property. Unless you are willing to manage it Aggressively. And once you are gone (moved, died, incapacitated, ….) it becomes a problem for someone else. Getting rid of bamboo takes several years of aggressive management. It is definitely an aggressive, invasive plant.

Yes, there are clumping types.  The problem is only slightly less challenging.

I’m just sayin’