The Joyful Jewel is hosting the reading of “The Kingdom of Everywhere” for free

Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:58:58 -0400
From: leela ellis
Subject: Friday In Pittsboro

If you don’t have any stunning plans for Friday night, please consider coming ….

Tagore said, “Dreams build their nests from fragments dropped by Day’s caravan”.  The longer I live, the more I believe that is true; not just about dreams, but also about all kinds of art.  Even short stories. 
On Friday October 19th at The Joyful Jewel, a beautiful storyweaver will read a short story that I wrote several years ago.  The story takes an hour for her to read, but as I listen and watch her paint images in the air, I smile with recognition at the magical fragments dropped into my life by so many moments.  Please come to The Joyful Jewel and listen and watch.  The storyweaver will begin reading at 7PM.  But come early.  There are so many beautiful dreams in that shop.  Some of the art is in fabric, some in metal, some in ceramic.  So many beautiful dreams!  You will want to give yourself some time to browse before the reading begins.  And then if something wonderful has caught your eye and you wish to purchase it for yourself or as a gift, The Joyful Jewel will be open for a while after the reading.
The story is called “The Kingdom of Everywhere”.  It is a fable, a sweet and fun tale for adults.  Please come; The Joyful Jewel is hosting the reading for free.