Chatham County is lucky to have a very professional Board of Elections

Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 07:20:28 -0400
From: Beverly Bland
Subject: about voter fraud

Thanks to Mr. Hicks & Mr Page for the links they sent . . . . both were very informative.  We are lucky in Chatham County to have such a professional & dedicated director & asst director in the Board of Elections Dept. 

Having worked as a chief judge, I was well educated in very thorough training sessions.

Unfortunately, all states are not equal.  It appears the major problem isn’t  with states requiring a photo ID . . .   but with 1) the timeline of implementing this requirement before the November election,  2)   with some of the criteria required for purposes of residency . . .  especially for the elderly & poor who move frequently or must live with other people & not have electric bills, rent, etc in their own name or even have a birth certificate, and 3) the large population in some  cities without a drivers license since many people use public transportation & don’t need cars.  It was estimated that it took about 5 hrs per person in a city the size of Philadelphia, if you had all the appropriate documentation with you at that time.

Mistakes do happen & when my sister needed a birth certificate to travel to France with her Pittsboro High school group, her birth certificate was not on file with the county.  Luckily, our parents were alive & could provide acceptable information.  However, with many older folks, it is very time consuming to collect the necessary information – often  being sent from agency to agency, & depending on others to take them.