Nausea… Standing on the edge of a cliff…

Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 16:18:42 -0700
From: N.A. Booko
Subject: Nausea . .. Standing on the edge of a cliff . .

Many times in the past when  writing  I have used an old reliable gimmick something like ” my knees knocked, my head pounded, cold sweat ran down my back “- and it seemed to always work to describe my feelings about a particular situation. Not so on a Monday two weeks ago, when I got a speeding ticket on Thompson St. in Pittsboro.  I really felt ashamed and stupid- Sixty years of driving- two other speeding tickets, the last one was 1993- (both dismissed with no points)- I became paranoid about looking at the speed signs posted in Pittsboro.  

Example- when leaving the McDonald’s- Lowe’s Home Improvement (15-501) toward Pittsboro- the speed limit is 45mph-  Then in the vacinity  of the old abandoned church, it drops to 35mph.- Then,  just about French Connections- Elizabeth’s Restaurant – it goes down to 20mph.  If you drive those speeds there are cars backed up for two miles.  Out of the many, emails I received about the speeding ticket, several mentioned they had gotten a ticket on Thompson St.

Exactly a week later, I carelessly placed my wallet on top my van and drove off without remembering about putting there.  I discovered I did not have it within ten minutes and retraced my steps, but with no luck. No one had turned it into Chatham Marketplace. I just felt awful. So small, so vulnerable – my driver’s license, debit card, credit card, Blue Cross Card, Medicare card, AAA Card, a car key, thee blank checks. My signature, my address, my social security number- enough information to do damage.  No cash.

Almost in a panic I immediately went to the bank in Pittsboro and canceled the debit card.  The credit card company was having phone problems and I could not get thru to them. I tried email, but was not sure they received that. I had completely forgotten about the blank checks until very late Monday night.  I called local bank Tue morning and got stop payments on them.  Yesterday I drove to Siler City to get a duplicate driver’s license.  Of course, it laid heavy on my mind that I would be driving over there with no driver’s license.  After waiting in line a long time, I was told I need two pcs of identification in order to get a duplicate license.  Finally after rummaging around in the car I found my registration and of course, the traffic ticket.  I spent two of the longest days and two sleepless (not really- but horrific nightmares)-  It was one of the lowest points in my life I can remember. It seemed to be a hopeless situation and very disturbing.

This morning, about 8:30 a.m, while I was at the gym working out, a call came to my cell phone, telling me they had my wallet. Someone had found it right away and took it to the OAK LEAF RESTAURANT  – located in the Chatham Mill, beside Chatham Marketplace.  At the gym, when the call came and I hung up, knowing that the situation was secure- I broke down and cried.  Never seen a 42 year old cry over a happy ending? Well- a 53 year old?

I thank the person who turned in my wallet and the folks at Oak Leaf Restaurant  for keeping it safe for me.  I am indebted to all-  and thankful for the fact there are honest folk around.  If the wrong person had found that wallet, there was information enough to have destroyed my way of life and maybe total ruin.

N.A. Booko

 I had not had a chance to see the inside of the Oak Leaf Restaurant until today- It is a really beautifully remolded interior, retaining much of the atmosphere of the the old mill-  and a spiffy kitchen- on the cutting edge of modern eatery.  Give them your business. We need places like this in Pittsboro and this county.