Possible homeowner’s insurance savings for Moncure and Bonlee

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 09:39:45 -0400
From: Karen Tiede
Subject: Possible homeowner’s insurance savings for Moncure and Bonlee

The Chatham Record reported that the Moncure and South Chatham (Bonlee) fire districts were uprated to 6/9E ratings this year.  Bonlee’s was effective on Feb 1; Moncure’s on July 1.

I just called my insurance company to let them know.  My rates dropped by a substantial chunk o’change.  Probably worth the time to make a call to your agent if you live in one of these districts.

Karen Tiede
POB 380
Moncure, NC 27559
(919) 545-0799
