Keeping the sprayers out

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 08:42:57 -0400
From: Jeannette Beranger
Subject: RE: Spraying


I was horrified last year when I discovered that they came up our road and then up my driveway and right into my horse field! Thank goodness the horses were not in the pasture at the time. I kept them out for over two months and many rain storms before I would let them back in.

As far as it being harmless,  check out some data the Rodale collected on the spray at
.. Doesn’t seem so harmless to me¦.

I love our local utility guys because lord knows they bail all of us out of trouble when storms and foul weather hit. They are the bomb as far as I am concerned. But, I have a chain across my driveway now. Hopefully it keeps the sprayers out this time.
