All herbicides are not the same and care in use is mandatory

Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 14:28:12 -0400
From: Dr John R Dykers
Subject: Powe Line maintenance

Good thinking  Kelsey.

All herbicides are not the same and care in use is mandatory.  County Agent Sam Groce teaches a class at least once a year about Chatham County weeds and appropriate herbicide use.

Using other plants to crowd out the undesirables is certainly preferred.

Big power lines cross both our farms and our pastures underneath prevent most of the requirements for maintainance. The wooded areas these same lines cross between our farms require lots of work.

Trees and vines create the most vexing problems.  Our neighbors try to take advantage of the right of way to grow useful crops.

I tried for 30 years to get the yellow crown beard weed out of my pasture with proper fertilizer and grazing and bushogging and failed miserably and  expensively. One dose of 2-4-D and problem solved!  WITHOUT nearly the damage to the environment of mowing constantly!

John Dykers