“Education lottery” shortchanges NC teachers

From: Pam
Sent: Mon, July 2, 2012 2:51:53 PM
Subject: Re / teachers salary

I appreciate the post comparing the other counties with ours . I have always heard how everyone wanted to teach in Wake but cant imagine with gas prices , why a Chatham resident would want to make that drive for a few thousand a year difference.

with the economy down right now it is hard for students coming out of college with teaching degrees to find a position anywhere these days. My nephew has been trying for over a year, applying all over the state. In his graduating class a very few of the education majors have landed teaching positions yet. So given the wages and statistics of finding a job , I wouldn’t question the heart of most teachers. Their job also takes many hours of prep time outside the school building. Most teachers must be teaching because they love it.

As the post cited most of the teachers wage is a north Carolina problem, not a county one. I still dont understand why the education field has been cutting jobs, cutting positions for assistants in classes , All during and since the education lottery. I am not against the lottery but if the revenue is not a bonus income source for the edu system then it shouldn’t be advertised that way. If the tax money is just being pulled and used for something else that is still the same to me as just using the lottery elsewhere to begin. Its just robbing Peter to pay Paul. We should have twice the money in the edu funds, instead of extra padding in government offices. I would love to see the salary charts etc for nc govenor etc during these years of recession. Why dont they make the example for all these fine teachers who are supposed to just suck it up and make do with what supplies and funds they have….