Sarah’s Apprehension about the Flea Mall

Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 15:33:44 -0500
From: nabooko
Subject: Sarah “Apprehensive” of Flea Mall

Sarah writes “Being that so many individuals are apprehensive of the flea mall”-  Please name one other than yourself? Why don’t you stop in there and see for yourself? Why not ask them about “their intendment of the funds coming in? ”  How can you expect Chatlisters to know? Just because you don’t see a car in the parking lot doesn’t mean anything.

I was there Sat morning and so were several other people. I was not apprehensive and neither were the customers.

This vendor, like myself and many thousands of others, have chosen to try and make it on our own- being our own boss and our own keepers. These are difficult times- don’t make it more difficult for us self-employed folks by casting doubt and suspicion.

As far as not being supportive of Charities – I spend hundreds of dollars per year at both Habitat and Chatham PTA thrift stores – And I donate. I have in the past, resold some of that merchandise- So what goes around , comes around. Stop judging us by what you don’t know

N.A. Booko