There is a sad little fish at the Chatham Library in Pittsboro, NC

Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 09:42:00 -0500
From: momopom
Subject: sad fish at the CHatham Library

I hate seeing that poor fish in a tiny tank at the kid’s library checkout.

The librarian there assured me that the fish is happy, but to me it  seems cruel and sends a poor message to children about the treatment of our fellow creatures. There is nothing fun about a fish that hovers in the corner of a too-small environment simply existing.

Online resources suggest a larger environment to avoid mistreatment  of these fish.

“The natural behaviors and habitat of the Siamese fighting fish often mislead the fighter fish owner into unintentional mistreatment. It is true that wild fighting fish may live for several months in small puddles. The fish will always spend a number of months freely swimming as the monsoon rains connect and swell the swamps and rice paddies.”
