Grandma’s plea to Pittsboro Mayor about the Haw River Academy: Be honest and fair with our children

Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 18:38:14 -0500
From: Kathy Zinn
Subject: Haw River Christian Academy

I am writing in support of the Haw River Christian Academy’s  being allowed to lease and occupy the empty building on Salisbury Street in Pittsboro. It is true, I am prejudiced in this case:  my granddaughter attends the 3rd grade at the present school, and has benefited greatly from her first year there.   It is also true that I have not,  in the past,  been an advocate for private or religious schools.  I have experienced both, as have many of my siblings, and I have preferred to send my own children, including Ellie’s father, to public schools.

However,  I have witnessed how this caring and committed group of parents and teachers have met my dear  grandchild where she is, taught her Latin, which she loves, and introduced her to both scientific concepts,  and  the Greek gods and goddesses,  all in a religious and spiritual context,  with very small classes.  .

I think the school is a “good fit ” for downtown Pittsboro, and apparently at least 70 businesses agree!  I am puzzled and disturbed at the the  inconsistencies that I have heard from Mayor Voller (for whom I voted) and some commissioners, in their objections to HRCA coming into town.  I ask that they be clearer about their objections, all of which seem to have been discounted by the pertinent approving agencies, such as the fire department.  What are people afraid of?  People who may believe differently  from others?  3rd graders speaking Latin?  I have always considered myself a “Liberal Progressive”.  A large part of that political stance is a belief in equal opportunity, as well as tolerance of others who only want to pursue their own path.  I cannot believe the town will not also benefit, economically , from the presence of the school. 

Please, Mr. Mayor and others who object to Haw River Christian Academy’s  occupying  an in-town building left vacant after repeated business failures:  Be clearer with us. 

Be honest.  Be fair.