A few more important items about Jeffrey Starkweather, candidate for the NC House

Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 10:41:15 -0500
From: Tom West 
 Subject: A few more important items about Jeffrey Starkweather 

Dee Reid left a few items off of her press release about her husband Jeffrey Starkweather. I am sure that it was just an oversight. I am sure it was a mistake. After all, Starkweather claims he is all for transparency.

According to avvo.com, as an attorney Jeffrey Starkweather was disciplined by the North Carolina licensing authority and reprimanded in 2005.

The State Bar voluntarily dismissed a formal disciplinary complaint against Jeffrey Starkweather of Chatham County in October 2005 after Starkweather agreed to accept the original discipline imposed upon him earlier in the year by the Grievance Committee. The committee reprimanded Starkweather for neglecting a client matter and failing to respond to a letter of notice and subpoena issued to him by the State Bar.

Starkweather co-led the Chatham Coalition, a Political Action Committee (PAC) that quickly gained the reputation as a hate group who conducted vicious personnel attacks against political opponents.

In his 2008 run for a Chatham County Commissioner position, the Independent Weekly newspaper said “we cannot support his candidacy. As the primary force behind the Chatham Coalition, Starkweather has become a lightning rod for divisiveness, engendering a political backlash to the coalition’s agenda. Additionally, his tendency to embrace complex processes over efficient outcomes and to browbeat those who don’t share his views detract from his potential to govern. With Chatham’s recent churn, what’s needed on the dais now are cool heads and the ability to compromise.”

Starkweather lost to Mike Cross by over 1,000 votes.

1 Comment

  1. Talk about a vicious hate campaign this posting outshines them all. One would think as a moderator you’d have the responsibility of objectivity and impartiality. This posting and the others I have seen shows none of that. What really interests me here is there is not one word about the issues. You dredge up a seven year old matter, totally irrelevant to anything, accuse him of running a hate group which only you have designated it as such, and quote a hit piece from the Independent. Try talking about issues not distractions.

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