Last Call for Woods Summer Wonders Camp Proposals

Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 12:22:33 -0500
From: Ann Kaiyala
Subject: Last Call for Woods Summer Wonders Camp Proposals

Woods Summer Wonders is firming up its summer camp plans for the 2012 session. 

Our first two camp seasons were phenomenally successful, with a great time being had by both summer campers and camp providers.  We offer significant income potential for strong, nurturing teachers with great camp proposals.  All administrative work is done by the Woods Charter School summer staff, freeing you up to do what you love — teach interested and well-behaved kids what you know!   We ask for a minimum of a one-week commitment during our four week camp season, which includes the weeks of
June 25-29, July 9-13, 16-20 and 23-27). 

If you are a specialist in a field of interest to children in grades K-12, and have an engaging and dynamic teaching style, please contact camp director for more information.