Keep the tick please

Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 21:15:59 -0500
From: marcia e herman
Subject: Keep the tick please!

We (Tick-borne Infections Council of NC) have had reports of several people being bitten by “black-looking” ticks in the last few weeks.  Please note:

1. These are likely the black-legged tick (used to be called deer tick) that carries Lyme disease and several other serious infections.

2.  Adults of this species are active in the winter and have spread into NC over the last decade or so.

3.  If you are bitten, watch for any rashes and/or flu-like symptoms for 30 days.  Many people do not get a rash from an infection.

4.  PLEASE KEEP THE TICK and let us know.  This is important for yourself, in the event you become ill.  It is helpful to show the tick to your doctor.  Tick-borne Infections Council of NC needs to know about bites from these ticks.  The conventional stance is that these ticks only rarely bite people in the south, and never in the winter.  We need to see the ticks from any winter bites you may have to identify to tick and make a report to state public health.  The easiest way to kill and keep the tick is to tape in on an index card.  Note the date and place on your body. (You should do this in the summer as well with all ticks.)

Please notify us at or the phone number below.  Also, visit our website to learn the proper way to remove a tick and more.
Lastly, become a member.  There is no charge, though we do appreciate donations.

Please feel free to call with any questions.  Thank you.

1 Comment

  1. I would like to more about your organization and discuss the incidence rates of the”winter” problem in NC. Thanks for contacting me.

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