Coupon Clipping class in Pittsboro on Dec.3

Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 18:52:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Sara B. Morand
Subject: Coupon Class Sat 12/3/11 from 10am-12pm

Hello Chatham Coupon Clippers!
In past weeks I have seen a lot of interest in wanting to learn more about the fine art of Coupon Clipping and how save a buck or two at the supermarket. Well, you are in luck! My sister, who happens to live in Cary, is (in my humble opinion) a semi-expert Coupon-Queen. She has been  doing this for several years and has made it into a fine art. This is a  lady who travels with a 3 inch binder with plastic-filled inserts jam-packed with coupons, sorted by food, expiration date, store, etc. It’s a madness she loves and she is, quite frankly, good at!
In fact, this is what she posted on her facebook page yesterday: “$95 worth of groceries for $10! Then if you add in the $4 coupon on next purchase and $3 rebate I will send in, the total goes down to $3 for 2 gals of milk, 2 doz. eggs, 3 boxes of Chex, 2 bags Nestle choc chips, coffeemate creamer, Welch’s juice, Ocean Spray juice and various other items.”
Would you like to spend $10 on almost $100 worth of food? ABSOLUTELY! Where do you  sign up? My sister, Cori, will be hosting a 2 hour Coupon Clipping Class at the General Store Cafe on Saturday, December 3 from 10am until 12pm.  We will be located in the back room. Please bring your laptops (if you have one), with GSC wi-fi capabilities, Cori will show you how to log onto websites, register for the right coupons, and will teach you  how to understand the lingo in coupon-world (doubles, triples,
If you are interested in attending this class, please email Cori directly at or simply show up (although it would be ideal for us and GSC to have an idea of how many Coupon-Clipper-Chatlisters to expect). It will be $5 for this 2 hour class and she will do her best to provide you with as much information as you can stand. If there seems to be more questions than the 2 hours scheduled or more people interested who can’t make it on the date planned, we may setup another class in early January.
As  always, since GSC is allowing us the use of their space for free, please purchase one of their yummy drinks or menu items.  Thank you!

Sara Morand