Well regulated by whom?

Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 11:12:12 -0500
From: Darryl Wally
Subject: Well regulated by whom?

> Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2011 09:56:39 -0400
> Re: “Tom Glendinning”
> “The point here is that the substances and compounds in “fracking” fluid are part of our lives in everyday products.”
> If that is the case, why won’t the fracking industry release ALL the components used? They refuse to do so. It has also been stated in reports that some chemicals which are known are carcinogenic.
>  “My main argument for this industry is that it offers employment for those who have lost jobs in our county and a stable supply of fuel within our borders.  These two benefits far outweigh my concerns about pollution from a what will be a well regulated process.”

Well regulated by whom? That is a joke considering how rightwing politicians and local pundits are trying to eliminate government regulation. If you count on the fracking industry to regulate itself, the fox is in the hen house, and that is not only myopic, it is dangerous.

But, given your response, I know you will sleep well no matter what transpires (as long as it generates money).