Pancake Breakfast for Silk Hope Scouts on Nov. 5

Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 21:08:14 -0400
From: trentt
Subject: Pancake Breakfast for Silk Hope Scouts

The Silk Hope Boy & Cub Scouts (Pack 911) will be having an all you can eat pancake breakfast fundraiser on Saturday November 5th at the Silk Hope Ruritan Community Building. Adult price is $5, kids price is $3, and under 6 years old is free. The menu will be sausage, pancakes, and breakfast beverages. Tickets are available from any Silk

Hope cub scout family or you may pay at the door. Take out is available. The breakfast starts at 6am and ends at 1pm.

There will also be a raffle for a truck load of firewood. Tickets are $1 each. Come out and have breakfast with us and support your local Scouts.
