Pets belong at home and not at the local retail store

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 10:58:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sue Crook
Subject: Pets in Stores

I have to agree with Lowe’s and wish every business on this planet would follow suit!  My child is allergic to your pet.  Pets belong at home not at the grocery store, the home improvement store, my office, the convenience store or anywhere else.
Service animals are different.  Yes, technically it is a pet however, people who use them, bring them because they HAVE to in order to get around.  When someone does have their service animal, I will wait or go somewhere else because that person NEEDS assistance and their needs are way more important than mine.  This is common courtesy as I am able to go elsewhere without help.
If you do not require assitance from an animal to shop, bank or whatever, common courtesy says leave your pet at home because it just may be the death of someone (for allergies not attacks).