Downtown Pittsboro school traffic would be manageable

Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 09:50:23 -0400
From: Heather Scheffler
Subject: school traffic

In response to dreadpiratejeff’s concerns about potential school traffic downtown (from Haw River Christian Academy’s proposal to rehab the old PTA Thrift building), please keep in mind that between carpools, multiple children per family, and staff members driving their own children to school, the number of cars would be much less than the number of students on any given day. 

With a carefully planned traffic flow (and staggered drop-off times, etc.), the increased traffic should at worst only be noticeable for short windows of time on the side streets (much as it is with the Pittsboro Baptist Preschool just a couple of blocks away).  Traffic flow is a concern, but I think it’s manageable.

Heather B. Scheffler, PhD
Licensed Psychologist