Chatham County animal shelter no longer euthanizes animals by lethal gas

Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 08:38:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: joseph barr
Subject: Fw: Cruelty / Correction

I would like to thank David Webster DVM of Hope Crossing Animal Hospital for informing that the Chatham County animal shelter no longer euthanizes animals by lethal gas. In fact this practice has not been used for years. When I adopted my cats in 2004 it was accepted knowledge that the chamber was still in use. I am so relieved to hear that the shelter stopped using this method several years ago. I was told by the shelter that feral, uncontrollable animals had to be gassed but this was gradually phased out when other methods became available. The shelter uses trained technicians certified in the practice of euthanasia (injection) when this unfortunate option becomes necessary.

This more humane “option” could be less of an issue if pet families and prospective pet families would do two things: SPAY and NEUTER their pets and ADOPT all four-legged additions to their family from the SHELTER.  So simple, so rewarding. If you are into conspicuous consumption and must have a pure-bred pet, then get one, but why not at the same time got to the shelter and get 1 or 2 playmates for the purpose of companionship? Your breeder pet will love you; your sheltered pet will worship you. If I may be so bold: This is a no-brainer.

The shelter has wonderful people that will help you find just the right pet(s) for your home and family. They are very dedicated people and deserve tremendous credit. Chatham County needs new or updated facilities so these great servants can do their job even better. If you love animals make this known to your local and state governmental representatives. Another good idea is to donate food, blankets, toys to the shelter. Sometimes dogs must lay on wooden crates while awaiting their fate: WE CAN DO BETTER.

Remember, SPAY and NEUTERING will save us all a lot of heartache. Imagine what it will do for those animals whose predestined fate is homelessness, neglect, starvation, and lethal injection. Despite our best intentions, it happens. We may think we can give unwanted / unaffordable pets away or that somehow “they will adapt”, but that is wishful thinking. Ignorance is not bliss, and reality can be cruel IF WE DO NOT ACT IN ADVANCE.

Please, SPAY and NEUTER today. Legions of Angels in God’s Peaceable Kingdom will rejoice at the sight of “human animals” doing a good thing.

Thank You Dr. Webster.

Joseph Barr