Why the hate Lynn Fass? Implications made that you either need to justify or apologize for

Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 15:36:13 -0600
From: David Morris
Subject: Response to Lynn Fass

Ms. Fass,

I read your post in the chatlist last week and as a person who uses the chatlist to gather information and read up on county topics, your post was so full of implications that it has prompted me to make my first post on the chatlist. The arrogance and duplicity just dripped from it, and beyond that there were implications made that you either need to justify or apologize for. Normally I can accept the political animosity that is sometimes on display here, but your words went way beyond that. I will be specific with what I saw and you may do with it what you like.

‘”hey are doing what is best for their careers.  Mr. Bock stated at the meeting thatcary/wake county should not be able to benefit from all the commercial land use that is on the line, meanwhile Mr. Bock opens up a pizza place in Cary/Wake County, make sense, no, talks out both sides of his mouth, yes.”

I would like to know what you mean by this. The average reader would read this and think your implying that Mr. Bock has somehow benefited financially through some back room deal with Wake County. Do you know something that we don’t? If so, then by all means tell the world. It is a serious accusation of impropriety and corruption. I am sure if Brian accused you of something this serious you would demand an apology or more. Being a public official does not mean he should have to accept this level of falsehood.

“Most were discussed in length by the BOC, until they came to Mt. Pisgah/New Hope Church Rd., where Mr. Horil “claims” he wants to build a home for aged in the middle of nowhere, with roads that can’t hold the traffic now.”

Here again, you are implying that Mr. Horil is somehow not being forthright with us. I have met Keith many times, and he does not strike me as a man to lie. If you know that he is planning on building something different, then you should share that information. Otherwise, this is underhanded character assassination, and you should be ashamed of yourself. You are implying that Mr. Horil is dishonest and unless you can prove such a claim, the onus of dishonesty falls onto your shoulders.

“Mr.Bock said it is the land owner’s rights to do what they want!!!?  Whatabout the surrounding landowners of these parcels, when roads have to be widen, sewers installed, new roads, schools, taxes, community services, wells affected, WHERE ARE MY RIGHTS MR.BOCK?  And if that is the case,’ landowners rights’, why have any of these meetings, MAPS, zoning boards, research? ”

In case you missed this part of the meeting, of which you attended, let me fill you in. Commissioner Stewart took time out of her life to drive around and speak to the landowners in question in this instance. Her experience was that the large majority of these landowners were on board with this plan. Mrs. Stewart further expanded her research to include those in properties surrounding the nodes, most of these folks on the outside wanted them extended to include their properties in the mixed use nodes. These folks wanted their land to carry the same value of those located in the nodes, and they want the freedom to have options to do with their land as they wish. This is a basic American principle, and I have no reason to believe that they should not have options as well, especially the option to maximize their land value. You ask where are your rights? Well, Ms. Fass, where are their rights?

“Some one is getting richer, and of course the average citizenis not, we will pay long term and so will the environment.  Be kind to our land and the residents of Chatham county, listen to us, there were very few residents at the June and July meetings that supported the unnecessary invasion of Cary and developers.”

Here again, who is getting richer? Mr. Bock with his implied backroom meetings? Mr. Horil and his soon to be developed adult superstore under the cover of a retirement home? Good grief. You do realize that developers and land owners are average citizens, no matter how hard to try to smear them as something else. You should also take note that not all that attend the same meetings as you are the affected land owners, nor are they even land owners who may be affected. Those people spoke to Commissioner Stewart. Those are the people that truly matter in this instance. As for Cary’s unnecessary invasion, you do know where you live right? Three major universities and one of the faster growing and job producing areas in the nation in the RTP. Development is a part of that and not having the foresight to see this is on you, not the rest of the world.

“Mr. Kost asked a raise of hands at theJune meeting,  approx.85% of the attendants were not in favor of the maps presented, yet Scott (?), friend of Mr. Bock’s,  at the July meeting brushed over the majority of hands and made it sound like there was no major concerns from the people.   What the hell is going on?  This has got to stop!!!”

First, we both know that these folks are the same folks that show up at all similar meetings and are against anything having to do with land. It is not difficult to imagine, or in my case, attend these meetings. 85% of those in attendance means nothing to me. One packed room is in no way a representation of the will of a majority. That will was displayed November 2nd.. What is important is the actual landowners affected, and those people spoke to Commissioner Stewart and let their feelings be known. I am sure an email was sent out by the Kost family to pack those meetings and that is fine, involvement is good. However, do not try and build this strawman of an overwhelming majority when we both know that a large majority of those folks at the meeting did not have any skin in the game. Thank goodness Ms. Stewart was willing to find out the real answer. As for Scott, well, if I remember correctly he is the town planner for Cary, but don’t let that stop you from implying that he and Mr. Bock are ‘friends’ due to their supposedly mutually beneficial relationship as you imply. Once again, if you have any proof I would like to see it, and I am sure the 85% at the meeting would like to know it too. What is going on is a process that is above board. Scott, you know, Brian’s “friend”, does not have the authority to do much of anything other than offer input and information, so I guess Mr. Bock cannot benefit from that relationship either. So much for that implication.

“We, the Residents of Chatham County, want an open discussion meeting withthe BOC/Cary, for the residents of Chatham county.  Mr. Bock look at the audience, make eye contact, hear us, protect Chatham county and do what you promised to do when you and the other commissioners were elected!”

I appreciate the fact that you speak for us all, but the fact of the matter is that you speak for yourself. If you think you know more than the rest of us then that level of arrogance is your problem. My family has been in this and surrounding counties for five generations. My grandfather was the banker in Siler City who saved farmers after the depression. My roots here are deep and my love for it is even deeper. My grandfather was the President of the Lions Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and won many awards as an outstanding citizen. He had a saying for folks like you. He would say,”If you don’t like us, then that road that you came here on, it has a lane heading in the other direction.”

I know Brian Bock very well, and consider him a close friend. He embodies the same traits that made my grandfather who he was. It is OK to disagree with him on an ideological level, I understand and respect that. However, making stuff up about him is dishonest and it needs to stop. He is a good man, and honest man, and a principled man.

Anyone claiming otherwise I will challenge to prove it. That challenge is being issued to you Ms. Fass.

Let these folks make their own decisions on what to do with their property. If rural life is what you seek, go west of Pittsboro. The triangle is growing, and will continue to. There is much great research going on, and it is employing the sons and daughters of North Carolina following their education here in the area. This is a good thing. If there is a demand for housing and land, then it will be met. We can do it responsibly and within reason. That is the reason for these land use meetings, not the twisted and underhanded reasoning you are claiming. An honest discussion can be had, but it starts with being honest. This is North Carolina, where we pride ourselves on manners and honesty. I hope you can find the ability to employ these traits that make my state, OUR state, so great.

Have a wonderful weekend

David Morris