Chatham Habitat for Humanity has lost many people

Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:59:03 -0400
From: Quite Concerned
Subject: Habitat Praise

Unfortunately it is Mr Brinson who is misinformed. Habitat has lost many people in the last few years, not just from construction but across all departments:

Out of a construction department of 2 full-time staff (not including Americorp), they have lost 3

Out of a Resource development department of 3, they have lost 3

They let a director of the Stores go stating that her position was no longer necessary yet they are hiring for the same position now 8 store managers have left or were let go

Most recently they told a full-time staff member that their position was no longer available because “they were worried about their cash reserves”, although they felt they were doing him a favor by offering a job with half the hours and an elimination of benefits

Many, many volunteers have been disenfranchised by the executive director and her assistant executive director

When the only original staff members over a 5 year span are the two people at the top, it would seem that the problems lies with them!

There have been many unethical, or at the very least, questionable practices carried out by these two  resulting in several lawsuits over the past few years (one is still ongoing).

It also appears that the board of directors have turned a blind eye to these facts or something would have been done long ago.