Liberal squeaky wheels, looking for some grease….

Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 08:38:25 -0400
From: Snowcamper
Subject: Squeaky Wheels, looking for some grease….

The new Commissioners have done an outstanding job in their recent sessions.  Unlike the prior group, they understand that real leadership doesn’t simply involve spending other peoples’ money at a whim, but that they are entrusted with the prudent management of the taxpayer’s money.  They understand that the money is not theirs, but is simply entrusted to them by everyone who pays taxes in this county.

The Democrats and their “leadership” don’t seem to have gotten the message that we are in difficult economic times right now.  Our unemployment is sky high, our properties are likely to be revalued at recession values, and we need to be cutting our expenditures and being prudent in our savings.  I would rather have them be overcautious that profligate in these times.

The squeaky wheels are trying to “sound the alarm”, and they are doing so incessantly in whatever public forums (including this chatlist) that they can find.  But a tiny bit of their grease is being taken away, and  you’d have thought that we were about to have the pollution of China (a socialist/communist darling of the lefties), the schools of inner city Detroit (another liberal bastion), or the elder care of the Mongols under the Khans.

So-called “progressives” seem focused on so many archaic things, that it boggles my mind:

A bookmobile that serves an ever-shrinking portion of the population when there are many, many alternatives available to all in the private market: Kindles/Nooks, Amazon/, the Internet (, the Gutenberg project)… and ready, easy access to very cheap, very available reading materials of all kinds (library, used book sales, thrift shops, used book stores, friends/family, churches, civic groups… chatlist requests).  Heck, even a lot of hotels, B&B’s, truckstops, and even a restaurant or two that I know of have lending/swap libraries.  We really don’t need a taxpayer- funded truck-o-books.

Voter ID:  When virtually everything else in modern society requires an ID, we can’t ask for one for voting?  Cashing a check, opening a bank account, applying for a job, getting on a plane, getting into the state capitol, staying at a hotel, using a credit card, buying alcohol or cigs… or some allergy medicine for that matter.  All of these are relatively minor issues when compared the absolute importance of ensuring fair, accurate, and trusted elections.

Immigration:  Apparently libs are all for laws in general (they always seem to want more of them)… but only believe that you have to follow the laws you agree with.  Laws about polluting the environment need to be enforced to the letter, spirit, and wild interpretation.  Laws regarding which side of border you are standing on… ignore it freely!

We need immigration.  But we need immigrants who have a history of respecting the laws of the land.  History repeats itself, for good or ill.  Let’s discourage illegal immigration in every venue we can… from the schools, healthcare, law enforcement, and our professed political philosophy.  Why not throw open the doors wide, recruit heavily, pass resolutions, etc. to encourage legal immigrants from all over to come, visit, and stay instead of rewarding the criminals… or even simply looking the other way?

Education:  We apparently have to put kids in small classrooms so that they can go to college and be educated in large classrooms?  I also fail to understand why losing staff is so catastrophic for education, but keeping disruptive kids in seats is so good for it?  I fail to understand why it is the quantity, not the quality of teachers that matters.  I fail to understand how a LEED certified building that drips water onto the kids’ heads helps them learn a darn thing better?  I fail to understand how the emphasis on social aspects of education is going to help them compete against 2.6 billion Chinese and Indians…  Yet these are all “progressive” hotpoints.  I fail to understand how challenging our schools to do better with what they have (as all in the private sector have had to do for most of history) is such a bad thing.

There is too much fodder there for me to cover in one sitting, but please consider ignoring the strident, shrieking libs on the chatlist, contemplate things using your own god-given abilities, and write to to the CC’s and let them know you support them.  Even better, show up at the next meeting and replace one of the squeaky wheels at the podium with a little bit of gratitude, appreciation, courage, reason, practicality, and maturity.
