Chatham/Cary land use issues meeting

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 06:11:02 -0400
From: Lynn Fass
Subject: Land use issues meeting

It was an interesting meeting last evening at the Northwood Elementary school.  Discussion of Cary/Chatham county land use plan, was the highlight.  The majority of those who attended this meeting are opposed to the plan that is being presented.

Yet, Mr. Boc and our other Chatham county commissioners, with exception of Ms. Kost, are supporting this recent plan.  It includes, amongst other concerning issues, dognut hole annexation with the possibility of a future nursing home for Mr. Horil’s family, or 2 houses per acre, which due to the topography of the land, could lead into up to 4 houses per acre, another AMBERLY, yikes! This would be on the corner lot of Mt. Pigsah and New Hope Church Rd.

I do not understand why Mr. Boc would not address this land issue, even after  he had been asked to do so several times by those who attended the meeting.. He said it would be discussed at the next meeting, July 19th, Cary firehouse on carpenter firehouse station Rd., 9:30AM to 11:30am, this prearranged time is not so convient for most of us.

I know, that we are not all going to be pleased with this plan, so go back to the drawing board and get it right.  We need a plan that will continue to remind us why we moved into Chatham county.  Put the commercial zoning along some parts of rt. 64, leave the interior as is, with a design/zoning plan for what land remains.

Be kind to Chatham county, be supportive of our environment and the residents.

We all have our own reasons for moving and living in chatham county, let’s not screw up what was so gently placed in our hands.  Listen to the residents, including the birds, all 4 legged animals that call chatham county home, we only go around once, get it right for all.

Regards,  Lynn .