China and Chatham – left and right – Joy Hewett post

Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 08:33:02 -0400
From: Dr John R Dykers
Subject: China and Chatham – left and right – Joy Hewett post

Politics – who gets what and who pays for it?  Is universal, China or Chatham. Who uses the bookmobile and who pays for it? The Friends of the Library were considering funding the bookmobile and any of us can contribute if we wish, even if only a small amount. Any of us may give time to help at school, even if only a little. The role of civic organizations is crucial in Chatham County. Using the power of taxation is different.

I was amazed to read Chairman Mao Tse Tung’s “Little Red Book” that was the bible of the Cultural Revolution in China and the writings of Barry Goldwater, Republican candidate for President in 1964 and called Mr. Conservative, and see how much they had in common. (Everyone at the time considered Communist China to be the ultimate left wing communism, having surpassed even the Soviets and Marx and Engles and I was able to go to China only because of the opening created by President Richard Nixon, universally perceived as the ultimate right winger of his day.)

John Dykers