Concerns over voter fraud are genuine

Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 15:51:50 -0400
From: Bret Kelly
Subject: CCDP election fraud a smokescreen?

    Randy:  So according to you concerns over Voting Fraud is a smokescreen? 

With the new  The fact is the Democratic Party has been eroding the integrity of our election process, fighting against positive voter ID, enacting same day registration, and three weeks of early voting.  Personally I see absolutely no need for early voting at all.  Voting is not just a duty and responsibility but an honor.  Anyone who cannot treat voting as a priority in their life has no business voting. 

Reducing the number days of  Early voting and requiring a positive ID to vote disenfranchises no one, except those who are Inconvenienced by voting. Voting is an act of force, attempting to direct the lives of others in some fashion  through the force of Government.  Because of that overwhelming force it is incumbent  on every CITIZEN  to  vote on time every time  whether it is convenient or not.

     Identification at polling places is the same in early voting as election day.  So by getting a list of voters while early voting is going on it is possible to figure out who is registered and hasn’t voted and vote for them.  You might say this can’t happen but how would you know If it did?  Only if someone went into the poll to vote and was told they had already voted would anyone suspect it, and then what, that person would most likely be long gone, no one would know who that person was so an investigation couldn’t even begin. This was kept in check when precincts  were small enough that everyone knew everyone else.  Having to speak your name and address aloud was a way to give anyone at the poll an opportunity to determine if you were who you said you were.  The days when this was feasible are long gone now,  the growth this county has seen has made it virtually impossible for everyone to know everyone else in any precinct, and in early voting you can vote outside your district giving a person even more anonymity.

     These are State wide problems and although it affects Chatham County, if it is to be addressed it should be addressed at the State level. The Chatham County Board of Commissioners has no business signing any resolution regarding state issues as that would present the FALSE perception that the majority of Chatham County agree with the statements in that resolution.  There is no way to know that without a County wide referendum and to do so would be to assume ownership of someone else’s right of free speech,

     Lets see if the chair of the CCDP (kinda reminds me of the CCCP), can answer a question on our election process.  It is required in every polling place to have a large poster explaining the process in SPANISH, considering that to vote you must be a Citizen, and to be a  naturalized Citizen it is necessary to pass an English proficiency exam and anyone born here must be 18 years of age or older, what could the purpose of that poster possibly be?  Why are there no posters in Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Czechoslovakian?   Surely if the poster is ecessary for those whose native language is Spanish wouldn’t the same be true for emigrants with other native languages as well?  Who is the racist here?