A second spider appeared in my bathroom last night

Date: Tue, 3 May 2011 10:56:37 -0400
From: nabooko
Subject: Of Mice and Men

As second spider appeared in my bathroom last night. Again, I got my glass tumbler and a thin cardboard and carefully placed the glass over it and  slid the cardboard underneath- safely capturing him- took it outside and released him.

Thou shalt not kill.

I have been doing this sort of thing now for several years- moths, big bugs and even a mouse if I can do it without touching it. 

I don’t know, it is just something that bothers me- killing something just because it was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or killing it just because it suspected or has or had a reputation of being something deadly.

What if someone (the experts) decided that there was a  deadly creature hiding somewhere in my house- they carefully plan a raid and kill the suspected vicious creature? Would it be for the “greater good” or personal gain? Would they wash away their sins, mistakes and guilt in the oceans of explanations? Ah, yes- I can sea that.

Innocent until proven guilty- being proven capable of being deadly is not the same as being deadly.
Don’t kill spiders just because somebody said they are dangerous.

N.A. Booko