Thank you Karen Howard, Another parent supporting our schools

Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 17:40:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Laura And pierre lauffer
Subject: Thank you Karen Howard, Another parent supporting our schools

I was sorry to see the anonymous post from ‘chathamom’ to Karen Howard. Ms Howard is the mother of six children attending North Chatham and Margaret Pollard schools. She gave the board of education a well thought out plea to support our schools with a greater portion of our tax dollars.

North Chatham is one of the schools that is underfunded compared to the k-8 schools who receive a greater portion of county funding per pupil. Margaret Pollard, while an amazing physical structure, is also underfunded by services and instructors.

I appreciate very much Ms Howard’s public support and think it unkind and inhospitable at best for chathamom to ask another parent to leave the county.

Laura Lauffer