Response to Brian Bock on WWP

Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 11:57:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Tina Meeks
Subject: Response to Brian Bock on WWP

Brian Bock, I got a chance to read your Chatlist post recently explaining why you said YES to cooperating with the WWP. I want to commend you, Walter Petty, and Pam Stewart for doing your research, finding the best ways to help Chatham County, especially the Moncure residents, not pushing the project aside again and most importantly, build a positive relationship with our neighbors! I am proud to say I voted for the 3 of you. I can see from the moment I meant ya’ll that you want to bring us out of the stale and toxic environment previous leaders put us in.

I have lived here for 16 years and previously visited for years prior and loved it here, which is why I moved here. My husband’s family has been here much, much longer and to hear the sadness in their voices about how Chatham has changed, especially Siler City, which was boosting with manufacturing jobs and jobs for young teenagers. Now, nothing! Most of the folks my husband went to school with have left, no jobs. Even the elder folks have sold/selling and moving away. This all was happening before the economy changed so no excuses for those responsible. I am glad you are here to put us back to where we were 15-20 years ago. We, in Siler City, don’t care about having high-tech jobs or to make $20/hour. We just want jobs! We want to work, shop and play in our own hometown; our own county!!!  This county is big enough to bring the jobs/industry needed and still keep it rural with the right strategy.

I am very excited to see what the future holds for Chatham with open-minded leaders who are committed to making common sense decisions, bringing diverse businesses to the area, getting our government back to its core functions, and reducing our taxes. I know it is going to be tough because you are not only working against years of overspending, but also in a very bad economy. I hope the citizens do NOT hold you three accountable for the changes ahead. I know you three have OUR best interest and needs at heart. Keep up the good work!

Tina Meeks
Siler City/Silk Hope resident

On another note, I will probably have about a dozen customers or concerned local business owners stop by to let me know that I have just caused myself more alienation of my business by speaking out because I am NOT a supporter of some previous or current leaders. It amazes me how you are judged based more on your political beliefs than you are on what you have to offer as a business. With the challenges and issues I have faced in the last 16 months, I am very thankful that I am mobile because it allows me to reconsider my options.