Eliminating Pittsboro Express bus was easy

Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 00:55:31 -0500
From: Chatham Ghost
Subject: Ghost bus

I find it interesting the transit bus is nick named the Ghost bus. I know a bit about ghost and it definitely haunts one to know that tax money from a stimulus package was wasted on something that frivolous. The money spent on that is like much of the money being wasted internally through the county offices where someone benefited from the expenditure.

The Transit bus is a bogus bonus cut because the stimulus money for it was running out so we would have to foot the entire bill. It needed to go anyway so it was cut
for good reasons but it really isn’t part of the bigger problem.

It does make newly elected officials look good so when are we going to see real cuts in spending that doesn’t effect our schools or teachers? When will we see a new county manager and overhaul of an antiquated system so inefficient we are bleeding tax money right and left? I voted for the new commissioners and I expect to see some results sooner than later.
