One should NOT use harsh chemicals around or on paper

Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 13:45:25 +0000
From: Rachel Hoff
Subject: RE: Odor in Library

It is common knowledge among librarians that one should NOT use harsh chemicals around or on paper.

As most of you can imagine; paper is a sponge.  It expands and contracts with the introduction of moisture and humidity.  When a chemical is introduction to a paper object it can also radically change that objects ph level causing the object to become brittle and unusable.

In other words, I certainly hope that the Chatham Community Library DID NOT fumigate the collection.  This will cause advance aging of the collection and waste our tax dollars on replacement of the collection.

Also it is my recollection that this is a gold LEED certified building.  Therefore very little off gassing, if any, should take place.

Rachel Hoff