Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 23:37:54 -0400
From: Mia Munn
Subject: Monday’s school board mtg

I got to the mtg late, so I missed a lot of the student recognitions, but there were a very good presentations on AVID, the 1 to 1 laptop initiative, and the Algebra I study.

Other info:
The NC Dept of Transportation and the NC Dept of Public Instruction are currently arguing over who will fund drivers ed. For years, the $33M has come from transportation funds but the classes have been delivered through the public schools. For next year’s budget, Transportation wants DPI to pick up the cost. The result may be that the state stops providing free drivers ed classes to teenagers.

The system is still waiting on more details of state budget cuts. The  current thought is 3%, but they are unsure if that means an additional  3% (or $1.85M) or if the funds they’ve already cut from next year’s budget (somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.5M) are part of that cut. Mr. Logan warned again that ARRA money expires after next school year, so the 2011-12 budget will be even tighter (statewide an additional $373M less for schools).

Pollard Middle School is about 55% complete. The plan is to move in during Dec so students can start at the new school when they come back in Jan 2011. Hiring for the principal will begin soon. Most but not necessarily all middle school teachers from PHS and NCS will move to Pollard.

The district applied for Qualified School Construction bonds last July and August for roof replacement at 9 schools and restroom renovations at 7 schools. Additional money is available, so we are amending our application to move the cost of renovating the JM and CC auditoriums out of the county capital plan, to fund them with the low-interest bonds. This would bring the total to $4.4M.

Goldston requested the board support its grant application for funds for sewers. The board decided to support it – though the district recently rebuilt the onsite waste treatment facility for JS Waters, hooking up to the town sewer system would be a long-term solution. (JS Waters has had septic issues for years if not decades.)

The board, several administrators, and some county commissioners will be attending a program put on by Apple Computer, at Apple’s expense, in Virginia in May.