With prom season upon the schools, it seems like this is the time to start collecting for next year

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 10:35:06 -0400
From: Kathy Hotelling
Subject: Prom Dresses

[picappgallerysingle id=”185654″]As my daughter readies herself for her first prom, it is brought to my attention again that many girls want to go to the prom, but lack the resources to buy the dress, shoes, purse, etc.  Is there any philanthropic group in the area that collects dresses to donate to girls?  I would be happy to donate to this effort or start such a project with  another person or group.  We would need someplace to store the clothes until the following year..and make sure that they are clean when put into storage.

With prom season upon the schools, it seems like this is the time to start collecting for next year or to find out how girls can find a group that already donates.  I did see the post last week about someone having some personal dresses available.

Kathy Hotelling