Chatham home delivered meals

Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 10:04:05 -0500
From: Angel Dennison
Subject: Chatham home delivered meals – reply to Sherry


The Chatham County Council on Aging operates a home delivered meal program
for adults aged 60 and older, Monday through Friday. We prepare the meals
fresh daily at the senior center in Siler City and volunteers take them to
homes in every part of the County. Not surprisingly with the significant
increase in the older adult population, we are in need of additional
volunteers. Routes take approximately an hour. Volunteers are trained to
keep the food at the appropriate temperatures during the route. Volunteers
also provide a friendly visit to our clients and let us know if the clients
have any unmet needs. Our mission is to assist older adults in living
independently, in their own homes, and good nutrition is a critical aspect.

Please contact Evelyn White, Volunteer Coordinator for the Council on Aging,
if you want additional information. She has been managing this program for a
long time and is a true “pro.”

Angel Dennison
Executive Director
Chatham County Council on Aging