We should not disparage our local business owners

From: Heather Johnson
Date: Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 9:28 PM
Subject: Support ALL local business!!

Ms Marie Miller,

This is an unfortunate message to read. We should not disparage our local business owners. Tina and Tommy Meeks are the owners of the Espresso Van. They and the other folks there are LOCALLY OWNED FAMILY businesses who pay taxes, business fees and other contributions to our community –ย  in no way do they intend to be temporary. All of the vendors in the Ford parking lot are our neighbors and I think it’s a beautiful thing they are doing! Turning a vacant spot into an opportunity for local business owners to thrive is a fabulous idea! Noel didn’t have to let other folks on the lot, but in the spirit of cooperation he has welcomed them to share their goods as well.

What makes Chatham County such a great place to live is the spirit of community and supporting one another. I hope Ms Miller that you will have an opportunity to examine your thoughts and perhaps be humbled. I would imagine that Vance from the General Store does not share your feelings about the folks at the Ford parking lot. It’s not really fair of YOU to include him inyour message. That really places him in an unfortunate position and he doesn’t deserve that, either.

I am inspired by the Meeks family and my reasons are really none of your business. I will just say that they have children to raise and support and their drive and creativity is amazing and their family and our community are blessed for it.

How our businesses should be packaged is simply not dictated by you. And why would you want them to be?

All the best to every small business in that lot. We need you here and I will continue to look for ways to support you!!!



Heather Johnson
Chatham Bookkeeping Services