School bus safety resolved with help of School Board member

Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 09:14:25 -0400
From: kaycee
Subject: School bus safety

I wanted to thank everyone that responded to my concerns over the school bus route on Piney Grove Ch Rd. I heard from people all over the County with similar concerns/problems.
We finally got our situation resolved. Do you know what it took?

It took Gerald Totten, School Board member, coming to my house to see for himself. It took David Moody, Transportation director, coming to my house to see for himself. It took
e-mails/phone calls. It took getting out of the office, getting away from the computers and the “formula” for the bus stop to see for themselves the danger to the children. It took persistence and my concern over the safety of the children to get our bus stop fixed. And I will praise Col. Totten for his TRUE dedication to our children as a school board member. He even came to my house to follow up and make sure the stop was corrected/safe.

For everyone out there that is still having problems with their bus stops–please do not give up. Keep fighting for the kids safety. They depend on us to keep them safe. Keep calling/e-mailing the school system/school board until someone listens—-I did.
Kathy Cockman