Shout out to local new tutoring service!

Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:56:36 -0400
From: Jennifer Davis
Subject: Shout out to local new tutoring service!

Hi, Chatham Chatlisters:

I wanted to give a shout out to Club Z! Tutoring Services! Club Z! is relatively new to Chatham County, but they are making a great impact with the children that they are tutoring!

I am the parent of 3 children (5^th grader, and 2 1^st graders) in the Chatham County School System, I can relate to parents who have been looking for tutoring help for their children, but felt like they had to travel out of county for a quality service. My oldest child was really struggling with math and we were introduced to Club Z! Our tutor made a big difference in how my child viewed math. Within 6 sessions, she was displaying more confidence in her math skills. We have been so impressed with the results that we have signed our 1^st graders up for summer tutoring to help maintain what they have learned over the school year. As parents, our intentions are good, but life gets busy and we don’t always read as we should with them over the summer. The time with C lub Z! allows us to make sure that we make learning a priority over the summer!

We have discovered that Club Z! In-home tutoring understand both parents’ and students’ frustrations and knows that continuing education over the summer break is the key to a positive school year ahead. It is a chance for children to master important skills or to further explore areas of interest in a fun, creative way, with individualized attention.

Club Z! summer sessions offer uninterrupted, individualized tutoring as often as parents choose — 2, 3 or more times a week. Club Z! also offers in-home tutoring in all core subjects, including reading, math, science, as well as instruction in study skills, computers, SAT, ACT and other assessment test preparation.

Find out more about how Club Z! can enhance your child’s summer by visiting our web site at: or by calling 919-545-2300. Also enroll for SUMMER CAMP! August 4th -6th & 11th -13th from 9 am to noon at Pittsboro Baptist Church. Email for more information and a registration form.

I would be happy to give a more detailed testimonial about the benefits of Club Z! You can contact me via email at . You don’t have to travel out of Pittsboro
or Chatham County for tutoring help for your child! A great service has been delivered to our area and I just wanted to make you aware!
