A New All-time Low

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 08:04:31 -0400
From: Lesley Landis
Subject: A New All-time Low

The latest low point (a new all-time low?) for meaningful political discourse in Chatham County has been reached.

The mock post from a fear-monger named “Ana-Lyst” containing a double entendre-filled press release about a gentlemen’s club locating in Chatham County, complete with a telephone number to a sex line was 100% cynical. I have no doubt that when the Mixed Beverage Referendum passes a lot of things are going to change but I think it’ll generally be for the better.

I bitterly resent transparent and juvenile scare tactics such as “Ana-Lyst’s” and hope readers will 1) take the post as a lesson in media literacy and 2) vote “FOR” Mixed Beverage Sales on May 5th.

Lesley Landis