Pittsboro traffic circle and law enforcement

Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 15:09:10 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: Jenn
Subject: traffic circle and law enforcement

I have two things to say.

1- Please stop saying that it is the people from Siler City that are causing problems on the cirlce. I know how to drive in a circle. We have them all over up north and I have driven them all my life. it is insulting to say that. Thank you to all of the people who have said that yield does not mean stop because when people think that it actually causes more problems with traffic.

Its just like when you are merging onto a major highway and need to use the ramp to get up speed to merge properly and people slow down and stop on the ramp of the highway. I do agree that it is very dangerous in front of the GSC. Why don’t they put in some speed bumps to make people slow down there. that might help with the people going really fast.

2- about law enforcement. SOME NOT ALL of the cops are jerks and take the power to their heads. I think that the police that speed down the roads are a huge problem because I see it everyday that I drive. I stay within the speed limit myself and have been tailgated by police that just want to get by me. They are only supposed to exceed the speed limit when they are going to a call. They need a reason not just because they are in police cars does that give them the right to break the law because that is what they are doing. I have chosen myself that I am writing down all of the car numbers, times, and places that I see this. When the police do inappropriate actions I am going to report it and all of you should too.

If someone is pulled over for speeding, yes they have broken the law, but it does not give an officer the right to treat them badly. They got caught and they will pay the consequences for that. They should not have to suffer any more by being treated an inappropriate way. I myself always wanted to be a police officer and was going to until I had children. It was my choice not to proceed with that profession, but if I had I would never treat anyone badly because they have made a mistake. Take a page from Dog the Bounty Hunter on how he and his team treat people that have done much worse than speeding.