Chatham GOP has a new website!

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:18:20 -0500
From: Heather Johnson
Subject: Chatham GOP has a new website!

Brian Bock has designed a very informative and interactive new GOP website! If you want to be alerted to events and action items, please check it out.

I particularly enjoy their newly adopted resolution regarding the BOC ICE Resolution. The GOP posted their resolution on their website prior to voting on and adopting it so that they might give their members an opportunity to give input that included comments and changes to the resolution πŸ˜‰

RE: Illegal Immigration and enforcement of the rule of law

Rule of Law Resolution

Whereas, a Governments primary role is to provide for the protection of its inhabitants and property and the preservation of peace and good order therein; and

Whereas, the county is within it’s authority to adopt such measures as it deems expedient to secure and promote the health, safety and general welfare of its inhabitants which are not inconsistent with the general laws of the State; and

Whereas, the Chatham County Republican party believes legal immigration has been a benefit to the county and the state of North Carolina and is one of the core principles upon which our thriving society is built; and

Whereas, the Chatham County Republican party believes illegal immigration often causes economic hardship and lawlessness as well as being detrimental to the safety and welfare of legal citizens;

Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chatham County Republican party does hereby denounce the passage of the Chatham County Commissioners Resolution opposing any local governmental agency contracting with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration laws.

Be it further resolved that the Chatham County Republican party supports the cooperation of local law enforcement agencies and ICE be it through a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Department of Homeland Security and ICE and/or by joining the Secure Communities program as our neighbors have done.

Heather Johnson
Chatham Bookkeeping Services