Liquor by the drink will destroy Chatham County as we know it

Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:16:13 -0700
From: Jonathan
Subject: RE: Liquor by the drink

I fall into none of those categories and am against liquor by the drink in Chatham.  I believe that if this is passed then many chain restaurants would start opening in Pittsboro.  These chains, in my opinion, litter the landscape with light pollution, poor architecture, traffic lights ( I could go on and on)  and open the door for more rezoning and development overall.  My point is that while it would be nice to simplify those who oppose liquor by the drink as anti alcohol or bootleggers, there are many other reasons why people oppose this.

As for all this talk of how much money we are losing here because of people traveling across county lines, it is really just that, talk. Unless there is data to back it up, it is no basis for making an argument.

We have all seen the damage created from development here in chatham, just drive down old 87. I agree it should be put to a vote but fear that if passed we will have an irreversible problem caused by the thirst for
